About Rosalinda

Rosalinda Morgan is the current president of Charleston Lowcountry Rose Society. She has ben an active member of her local societies since the ‘90s, first in New York and then in South Carolina. In New York, she was a member of the Long Island Rose Society, Manhattan Rose Society and Southampton Rose Society. She joined the South Carolina Rose Society at the behest of the then president of Charleston Lowcountry Rose Society after she joined Charleston Lowcountry Rose Society.

She started her first rose garden in 1971 when she and her family moved to Long Island in New York at her in-law’s property with five roses and added five roses each year thereafter. Having known nothing about roses, Rosalinda joined the American Rose Society which at that time was located in Columbus, Ohio. In 1979 she and her husband bought their first home and they started a new rose garden with another five roses which grew to about 200 by the time they moved to Charleston. Their roses never moved with them. They stayed behind with the new homeowners.

She joined the Long Island Rose Society in the early ‘90s. Rosalinda went through the ranks at LIRS – secretary, treasurer, vice president, president and editor and had chaired various committees: hospitality, program, rose show, district convention, membership, trophy and other committees. She became a Consulting Rosarian in New York, then Master Rosarian the second year after the American Rose Society Master Rosarian program began. She received the LIRS Bronze Award (the highest award on the local society level) in 2006, the NY Outstanding Consulting Rosarian award in 2006, and the NY Silver Award (the highest award in the district level) in 2008. She has written several rose articles, some of them received the ARS Certificate of Merit. She served as editor and treasurer of the Manhattan Rose Society and wrote the award-winning Beginner’s Column for the newsletter of Southampton Rose Society. She served the ARS Membership/Marketing Committee for 6 years and the ARS Bulletin Competition committee for 6 years.

Two years before she and her husband moved to Charleston permanently in 2011, they attended the CLRS Rose Show and joined CLRS. She joined the South Carolina Rose Society after their move. A year later, Rosalinda became the editor of CLRS newsletter, “The Charleston Rose” which won an award in 2014 and became president of CLRS in 2014. In 2015, Rosalinda became the editor of the American Rose Society Carolina District newsletter, “Carolina Rosarian”.

Rosalinda is retired now. She was first an accountant, then a real estate broker. Since she lives in a townhouse now with a small yard, she tries to squeeze all the roses she can fit in. Some are in pots. Besides rose gardening, she enjoy reading historical novels. She likes to blog and also writes and have authored three books available at Amazon.com. She started a facebook group called Rose Gardening World whose members come from all over the world.

2 thoughts on “About Rosalinda

  1. Pat Colburn

    Hello, I am the editor of the Denver Rose Society newsletter and would like to include an article on MYCORRHIZAE in our November edition. Are you the person that I would obtain permission from?


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